

Provincia de Coclé - Panamá

Penonomé, capital of Coclé Province, has always been a very special place for me.  My first teaching position after graduating from Middlebury College was at the Colegio Angel María Herrera in Penonomé.  After all these years, I still have many good friends and acquaintences there.  Most recently, I built a cabin in the mountains of Coclé, near Chiguirí Arriba on lands that are part of a private reserve - Villa Tavidá.

Cascada del Río Tavidá - Chiguirí Arriba de Penonomé - 4 MARCH 2018

Cascada del Río Tavidá - Chiguirí Arriba de Penonomé - 4 MARCH 2018

Casa Suman in Chiguirí Arriba, Penonomé - 3 March 2018

Casa Suman in Chiguirí Arriba, Penonomé - 3 March 2018

View from Casa Suman - Chiguirí Arriba - 3 March 2018

View from Casa Suman - Chiguirí Arriba - 3 March 2018

Isla de Chiloé Island, Chile

Casco Antiguo/San Felipe, Panamá